I never thought much about the fan in our bathroom until it stopped working a few days ago.

It starting making strange noises, then came to a halt with a hum. It was trying to spin but unable.

After disassembly, I discovered the fan assembly had dropped down a few millimeters and was rubbing/stuck on the bottom. It was also quite dirty after a decade of poo-dust accumulation. Gross.Broan 750 Fan (Old) - Nutone

After cleaning the unit with compressed air, I wiggled the fan back into place and it spun freely again. Thinking the problem was solved, I reinstalled the fan. It worked and sounded normal for about 15 seconds. Then it made the strange sounds and stalled out again.

Rather than try to jimmy the fan back into place, I decided to get a replacement motor and fan. It would also be clean. It’s all one unit and is a simple plug-and-play installation. (it literally has a normal plug inside the unit)
Broan 750 Fan Parts Comparison
Plus, my preference was solving the problem for around $60 instead of buying and installing a new fan, cutting a new hole and worrying about ceiling repair….

Where to find Broan 750 Parts

I found the replacement motor for the Broan 750 on Amazon. Plus, it was prime – so free two-day shipping.

Broan 750 vs 751

This is the same unit, except the Broan 750 has a nightlight and the 751 does not. The replacement motor is the same for both models.

Broan 750 vs NuTone 8663RP

These models look identical, and Broan and NuTone are the same company – I suspect the replacement fan and motor would work fine in both units.

Broan 750 Manual

Here is a link to the Broan 750 Manual with installation instructions.

Broan 750 Fan Replacement Instructions

1. Remove the plastic dome. Pull the dome down to expose the metal brackets holding the dome to the unit. Squeeze the metal connectors together to release them from the assemble and detach.
2. Remove the light bulb/light assembly. The light bulb housing is held on by a wing nut in the center, but it’s easier to reach if you remove the light bulb first. Unplug the light assembly from the fan housing.
3. Remove the old fan assembly. First, unplug the fan/motor unit from the housing. The fan assembly is held on by two tabs and one screw on the side. Remove the screw, and lower that side down until the tabs slide out of the holes on the opposite side.
4. Repeat steps in opposite order with new fan unit.

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