After watching a few YouTube videos for cheap, DIY fences to keep deer out of our garden, we decided to do a fishing line deer fence. Spoiler alert: it didn’t work.

Fishing Line Deer Fence for Garden
Tying the 30lb test fishing line around the t-posts in early Spring.

We constructed the fence using 8-foot t-posts and 30lb test fishing line around the outside. The recommendations said it should be spaced closer together the bottom 3 to 4 feet (we did every 6 inches) and less frequently up to 6 or 7 feet (we did every foot above 4-feet).

The theory of the fishing line deer fence is this: Deer can’t see the fishing line, and when they walk up to it, they are confused or scared by the sensation and walk away.

There was some mention about how hungry and motivated the deer are as to the effectiveness of the fishing line deer fence. However, we have plenty of amazing green and berry options for them to munch on right now. We’ve had a very wet spring and it’s not even July yet – everything is growing quite well. The only problem so far has been farmers’ inability to plant at all because it was so wet.

Fishing Line Deer Fence for Garden
The evidence of deer in the garden…
Bush Beans - Fishing Line Deer Fence for Garden
The tops of several bush bean plans severed by the deer.

This last weekend was our third time finding the fishing line broke in the last two months. Deer have chosen to walk in, unimpeded by the fishing line, and have a look around. Up until now, they didn’t have much to eat, but now that the garden is more mature, they have more options. They ate about 10% of our bush bean crop.

It turns out, it does not deter deer, and they can also see it just fine so they are jumping over the 6’6″ top line to get out.

To help ensure we didn’t lose any more crops, we decided to upgrade the garden fence to a 3D electric wire fence.

Read: Cheap Garden Fencing To Keep Deer Out (Cheap Deer Fencing)

For now, just know that if you’re considering a fishing line deer fence as cheap way to keep deer out of the garden, it doesn’t work.

Thanks for stopping by The Dooley Homestead!

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